Electronic Health Record Laboratory

In this lab, medical students receive hands-on experience with the most familiar and widely used electronic health record (EHR) in the country.

You’ll train with VistA — the Veterans Information Systems and Technology Architecture — a nationwide information system and EHR developed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Our resources include 10 workflow scenarios and use cases that will orient you to the uses of EHRs in clinical practice.

Working through these simulations will help you think critically about documentation and build your clinical judgment as you gain insights into both the adverse consequences of using EHRs improperly and the benefits of proper use.

Resources and Equipment

  • Server with VistA for Education open-source software

Training Opportunities

Students in our department’s clinical informatics elective and our school’s Clinical Practice of Medicine course use our resources.


Elkin, Peter


Professor and Chair, Department of Biomedical Informatics & Professor of Internal Medicine

UB Downtown Gateway 77 Goodell Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: 716 888 4854

Email: elkinp@buffalo.edu


77 Goodell Street, 5th Floor
Buffalo, NY 1420